Since then the separatist war in srilanka converted into a conflict, which yet obstructs the development of this country due to soaring defence expenditure.During the past fourtten years,there were many major operations conducted against the LTTE.
Operation LIBERATION was conducted to wrest of the Vadamarachchi area in the jaffna peninsula,and was aimed at forcing the LTTE to enter negotiations.For the first time in the military history of srilanka,ywo brigades were launched into an offensive operation in the early hours of 26th May 1987.These two brigades,under the command of late Lt.Gen.D.L.Kobbekaduwa and late Maj.Gen.W.I.V.K.M.Wimalarathna were able to complete the capture of the Vasamarachchi area within five days.
As a result of this operations,the entire area of Vadamarachci was brought under the control of security forces.this was a severe blow to the LTTE as Vadamarachchi is the birth place of the Tiger leader V.prabakarn and also most senior cadres of the LTTE are natives of Velvettithurai,the main township of Vadamarachchi .Consequent to the operetion, the army was entrusted with the administration of large number of civilians.The hearts and minds campaign was at its height and the population was gradually been drawn towards the government and the security forces.Before the security forces commenced the next phase of the operation,aimed at
gaining control of the entire jaffna peninsula the Indian pressure started mounting which climaxed with the forced food drop by the Indian Air Force.The Peace Accord with India was signed on the 29th of july 1987 and the Indian Peace keeping Force(IPKF) began arriving,thus drawing a new dimension in the separatist war in srilanka.
The army was confined to barracks in the north and easern provinces of Srilanka.This is Enabled the troop withdrawal from this region in large number,to facilitate their deployment in the southern part of the Island to suppress the JVP uprising.
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